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Fire Danger Period & Total Fire Ban tip 2 - BBQ's and campfires

Summer is a very popular time to be in the outdoors enjoying BBQ's and campfires but a lot of people are completely unaware of restrictions in force during the Fire Danger Period and Total Fire Bans.

Let's run through the facts of Fire Danger Period and Total Fire Ban BBQ and campfire restrictions.

Can I have a barbecue, light a campfire or light a fire for warmth or comfort during the Fire Danger Period?

Yes but it must comply with the following conditions:

  • The wind is not more than 10km/h (this can be observed if leaves and small twigs are in constant motion)

  • The fire is lit in a properly-constructed fireplace or in a trench at least 30 centimetres deep

  • The area within a distance of 3 metres from the outer perimeters of the fire and the uppermost point of the fire is clear of flammable material

  • The fire does not occupy an area in excess of 1 square metre and the size and dimensions of solid fuel used are the minimum necessary for the purpose

  • A person is in attendance at all times while the fire is alight and has the capacity and means to extinguish the fire the fire is completely extinguished before the person leaves

Note that in accordance with the CFA Act, a "properly constructed fireplace" means a fireplace that is constructed of stone, metal, concrete or any other non-flammable material so as to contain the perimeter of the fire. A commercially produced barbecue would be considered a properly constructed fireplace.

Can I have a barbecue, light a campfire or light a fire for warmth or comfort on a Total Fire Ban day?

All camp fires, fires for warmth or personal comfort are banned during Total Fire Bans. Solid and liquid fuel barbecues and ovens (including hangis) are also banned during Total Fire Ban Days.

You can have a BBQ during a Total Fire Ban only if all the below conditions are adhered to:

  • The barbecue uses only gas or electricity and is a permanently fixed structure built of stone, metal, concrete or another non-flammable material designed exclusively for meal preparation, or is designed and commercially manufactured exclusively for meal preparation (including portable barbecues), and when alight is placed in a stable position.

  • The area within a distance of 3 metres from the outer perimeter of the barbecue is clear of flammable material.

  • You have either a hose connected to a water supply or a container with at least 10 litres of water for immediate use.

  • An adult is there at all times when a BBQ is alight who has the capacity and means to extinguish the fire.

  • The BBQ is completely extinguished before the adult leaves.

Failing to comply with either Total Fire Ban or Fire Danger Period BBQ and campfire restrictions may lead to significant penalties being applied.

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