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Fire Danger Period & Total Fire Ban tip 5 - Farm/road machinery

During summer that use of farm and road machinery presents a high fire risk due the heat they can produce

Can I use self-propelled farm machinery, tractors, slashers, earth-moving, excavating or roadmaking machines propelled by a heat engine within 9 metres of any crops, grass, stubble, weeds, undergrowth or other vegetation during the Fire Danger Period?

Farm and road machinery can only be used during the Fire Danger Period if:

  • It is free from faults and mechanical defects that could cause an outbreak of fire

  • Fitted with a spark arrester that is in working order, a turbocharger or exhaust aspirated air cleaner

  • Carries fire suppression equipment comprising either:

  • at least one knapsack spray pump, in working order, fully charged with water, with a capacity of not less than 9 litres, or

  • at least one water (stored pressure) fire extinguisher, in working order, fully charged with water and maintained at the correct pressure, with a capacity of not less than 9 litres.

Note that the spark arrester, the knapsack spray pump and the water fire extinguisher referred to above must comply with the applicable Australian Standards.

On a day of Total Fire Ban can I use self-propelled farm machinery, tractors, slashers, earth-moving, excavating or roadmaking machines propelled by a heat engine within 9 metres of any crops, grass, stubble, weeds, undergrowth or other vegetation?

This should be avoided wherever possible because the risk of starting fires is extremely high and the impact of fire on these days may be much greater.

If the work is essential, follow the Fire Danger Period guidelines.

Note that the spark arrester, the knapsack spray pump and the water fire extinguisher referred to above must comply with the applicable Australian Standards.

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