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Don’t risk using illegal fireworks at your New Year’s Eve celebration

Are you planning to use illegal fireworks during New Year’s Eve celebrations?

Fireworks are banned from use by the general public because they are dangerous in untrained hands. Illegal fireworks can cause serious injury and death. Anyone planning to set off illegal fireworks put themselves, their families, neighbours and the community at risk of serious injury and have the potential to start significant fires even with the recent rain fall and mild temperatures.

There are many official community events with legal fireworks displays run by licensed and approved pyrotechnicians being planned across the state during the festive season which we encourage anyone wanting to see fireworks to attend instead of putting their communities at risk by setting off illegal fireworks or fire crackers.

People should also be aware if they are caught with illegal fireworks they can face severe penalties including jail. If you wish to inform authorities of illegal fireworks activities phone Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000 or police on 000.

If we are called to respond to a fire started by illegal fireworks expect the Victoria Police to be involved.

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