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Fire Danger Period & Total Fire Ban tip 10 - Incinerator
Using incinerators during the Fire Danger Period and on days of Total Fire Ban has strict conditions and restrictions. Lets run through...

Fire Danger Period & Total Fire Ban tip 9 - Hot work / Bees
Did you know that there are conditions and restrictions on carrying out activities such as welding, grinding, charring, soldering or gas...

Fire Danger Period & Total Fire Ban tip 8 - Chainsaws and lawn mowers
Summer is the perfect time to get out in the sun and work on your yard, garden or farm. Do you know the guidelines for using a chainsaw,...

Fire Danger Period & Total Fire Ban tip 7 - Driving vehicles
Summer is a very popular time to be in the outdoors enjoying the country side and nature but a lot of people are completely unaware of...

Fire Danger Period & Total Fire Ban tip 6 - Solid fuel BBQ
Summer is a very popular time to be in the outdoors entertaining with solid fuel BBQ's but a lot of people are completely unaware of...

Fire Danger Period & Total Fire Ban tip 5 - Farm/road machinery
During summer that use of farm and road machinery presents a high fire risk due the heat they can produce Can I use self-propelled farm...

Fire Danger Period & Total Fire Ban tip 4 - Wildlife scaring guns
Wildlife scaring guns are devices for producing a loud explosive sound for the purpose of scaring away birds from crops and orchards. It...

Fire Danger Period & Total Fire Ban tip 3 - Commercial catering
Outdoor weddings and community events are a very popular summer activity but many people are completely unaware of restrictions in force...

Fire Danger Period & Total Fire Ban tip 2 - BBQ's and campfires
Summer is a very popular time to be in the outdoors enjoying BBQ's and campfires but a lot of people are completely unaware of...

Fire Danger Period & Total Fire Ban tip 1 - Burning off
A lot of people know that you are not able to burn off during a Total Fire Ban day but are completely unaware of the burning off...
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